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Blast Boredom with these SMART Summer Tips!

Avoid the summer slump and blast boredom away with this PRINTABLE SMART CHART. Did you know - studies show that children can regress a month of school education over summer break if they're not actively learning? Make this your brightest summer yet with these Smart Summer Tips.

We recommend keeping a copy on your fridge for easy access!

Smart Summer Tips to Avoid the Summer Slump

WHAT ARE THE DANGERS OF "SUMMER SLUMP"? According to research by the New York Times and, children who are not actively learning over their summer break are at risk of losing up to a month of school education. That means that they could fall behind in the new school year. But the biggest risk is cumulative - that their struggles could compound and follow them each year. Math and reading are most impacted by summer slump.

Child Rowing a Boat


With a plan for the months ahead, you can encourage FUN summer learning. We recommend keeping a copy of the Smart Summer Tips sheet in a conspicuous location at home as a regular reminder of boredom-blasters.


Sit down with your children and create a Summer Bucket List using ideas from the Weekday Themes: Make-It Monday, Tourist Tuesday, Write-It Wednesday, Thankful Thursday, and Foodie Friday. Get the creative gears turning for your family.

Children Reading Together at the Library


Throughout the day, look for little learning opportunities. Point out shapes and colors that you see. While on the road, play an alphabet game by reading street signs. When cooking, have your children read the recipe aloud, look at the numbers/quantities, and fill measurements. At a grocery store, make a math lesson by having your child count the change required. Enroll in a reading program at your local library so kids can have challenges, incentives, and rewards for keeping their reading skills sharp.


Summer sweets are yummy, but do not let good oral hygiene habits go through a summer slump. Maintain a daily flossing and twice-daily brushing routine. Before you know it, school start dates will be right around the corner. Be sure to schedule a dental cleaning checkup this summer!

To ensure all your children’s teeth are ready to SMILE all summer long, be sure to visit Sunshine Children’s Dentistry. The American Dental Association recommends oral checkups twice annually for children (and adults, too). QUESTIONS? We are a resource to you and are happy to answer any questions you may have about your child’s changing smile. We believe that oral health should be FUN and something to SMILE about!

Sunshine Children's Dentistry staff

We at Sunshine Children's Dentistry are THANKFUL for our patients!

Your family is a blessing to everyone at our office. Thank you for the honor of serving you! If you ever need to reach us, our number is 910.762.7736.

For more helpful resources and fun activities, be sure to read our other Blog Articles.



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